Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 12, 2014

Dear Family!
       I have to say that talking to you made my whole transfer! Hahaha. I loved seeing all of your faces and hearing all of your voices. I can't believe how much the little kids have grown! I really loved all that you had to say. I loved when Chris mentioned working with the members, cause that is what I did a ton in Riverton.  But here for some reason it didn't even really cross my mind. I know that that will greatly help this area, so I am taking his advice haha. We went to tract down a potential investigator and his dad answered and I invited him to learn, he said no, but I am happy I invited him haha.
        This week was a really good week. We got 19 lessons! Which I know is not a lot compared to my last area, and other missionaries. But I really pushed my self this week, and I know that this new week we will reach 20 lessons! That is what I believe Elder Holland said was the amount of lessons we should have a week or more. This week we went over to Chelsea Adams and helped her pack cause she left on Wednesday to fly to the MTC. She is going to Lubbock Texas. She is awesome, and her mom was in the hospital and so we went over to help her out. I could just feel the excitement she had as well as how scared she was even though she did not want to let that out, cause she was more happy haha. It reminded me of me, and I just kept thinking about all the things she is going to experience and learn and how amazing these 18 months will be for her. She is in for the adventure of her life! I am so excited for her.
      So Korrin, well her little brother is in the hospital, like I mentioned but she is still going to be baptized on Saturday, she is very strong. Mom could you send me like a ctr necklace or ring, or something for her? Yesterday after church we taught her and she had 3 members come to the lesson haha. We taught Tithing and that was a cool lesson, cause all of the members testified of the blessings of tithing. One thing that hit me is that if we can pay tithing we are pretty set, because if we are willing to sacrifice 10% of our increase chances are all the other commandments are going to come pretty easy. Tithing is like the most humbling commandment. Chastity is super important, but most people know it is a good idea, same with the word of wisdom, alcohol people know is bad for you, but when we bring up tithing people look at us like we are crazy. Tithing is money we earn, and that is how the world operates, so to give up something that would bless your family (like feed their family, or put gas in your car etc) To give up that blessing is very hard. But if we can give that up we can be even more blessed. I know this is a rambling, but I just want to talk about how cool it is to live the commandment of tithing. We had a lesson in institute a couple weeks ago about being blessed and what is holding us back from being more blessed. I think that applies to tithing, we work hard for the money we earn and God blesses us with money to live, and then he asked for 10% back, so if we can sacrifice part of that blessing he already gave us he will bless us even more. This concept of being blessed or being more blessed applies to so many aspects to the gospel. Like me I hate working out in the morning, I just want to sleep, and I will admit often times I just lay on the floor pretending to stretch, and I do a couple of sit ups. I am obedience because I am working out, but I know that when I do more that just keep the lowest standard of obedience and actually work out, then I have a much better day. Blessed or more blessed. I know that was a lot to say. I really have thought a lot about this on my mission. This has really stood out to me lately, what can we do in our lives to be "more blessed" Well that was a ramble but I know that it is true, we can be more blessed if we just push our selves. Preach my gospel has taught me that and so have the scriptures :)
      So we are not going lambing after all today, That makes it a sad day...we have way to much to do. Oh I might buy some cowboy boots soon. I don't know though haha.  Anyways I love all of you and have a wonderful week :)
                    -Love sister Draudt


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