Thursday, January 2, 2014

December 30, 2013

Hey mom! and everybody,
Oh goodness I am happy that we were able to talk, I realize though that I didn't get to talk to you as much. I talked a lot to Brian, which was great, but next time I want to talk to you more too, ok haha. Talking to you and the family made
Christmas and like you and Brian said, after I hung up, everything was fine and I went up stairs and us and the elders played dominos with the Bakers and had a blast! I think this might have been one of my favorite Christmas's and not because of the activities, like it was really fun, but that I was able to talk to you. I took being with my family for Christmas for granted before and I really cherished and appreciated the time I had to talk with you all. I also am so happy I have and ipad that I was able to screen shot lots of pics of you guys haha.
I don't remember if I told you about Christmas Eve, well it was the absolute best! I think I told you about it so I won't drag on, but we spent it with a family who has all daughters and it was a blast, they are so cute, they range from 22-3 and it was fun being around them! :) They are very active amazing members. Then on Christmas we opened gifts and then Skyped you guys :) then the elders were over so we played dominoes with them..the other sisters only showed up for like 5 minutes..lame...but then we had dinner with the Waltons..super awesome family, their youngest is on a mission in Portugal and comes home in April. Then we went over to our ward mission leaders and his wife gave us each 20 bucks! How nice is that! She is so sweet. Then at 8:30 we drove up to Gray Bull, (a 2 hour drive) and stayed with some members up there and the elders stayed with the other the morning we went to Billings..that was another 2 and a half ours...bleh but then I saw Sister Taylor so that was totally worth it! I love her..we were talking about how we are gonne be besties after the mission haha. The meeting was only 2 we drove 4 and a half hours for a 2 hour after the meeting we went to Ross and nothing good was there it sucked..then to this place called Hu Huts...which is a Mongolian grill..and really it's not all that amazing...but everyone here loves it haha. Then we drove back...and that was the longest drive ever, but totally worth it cause when we got home it was 7:30 at night, but we wanted to work, so we went and tried some people. One was a referral, who is a less active and we don't have her records..well she wanted us to come back, and on Sunday we taught them the restoration.
Their names are Robin (member), Tyrell, her husband and Halli their daughter. Well we got a new less active and 2 investigators! Wahooo. I have been praying to teach families and we finally found them :) such a huge blessing and answer to my prayers :) then yesterday was the other awesome experience. So just to give some background we have a less active in the ward, Myco James, she reminds me of her looks.  Anyways her husband is not a member and when we first met her, he answered the door with no shirt on and not interested, said she wasn't home. Well later we come back and he is gone so we teach her a lesson, and at the end, he comes in and swears..and sees us and felt so bad and just apologized a ton. Then we just had a casual conversation and I complimented him on his shoes and he was very happy about that..then as we have come over, she has been gone and he has been home. We could not go inside so we just have had a short casual conversations with him on his porch, and then on Monday..last Monday we saw him at Walmart and he came up to us! So last night we go over to see his wife...secretly hoping he is home..he answers the door without a shirt..and is like.."hang on let me get dressed" which before he didn't care. So it showed us he is starting to respect us. Well we go in and we ask to share a message.. and he says, "Of course! That's why I was trying to turn the tv off."  He also says, "This is Myco's lesson though..I will just listen." So we start teaching the restoration to Myco..and slowly and sneakingly start teaching him and asking him questions and by the end it was directed to just him. He still is very wary..because he knows there is a God, but wants proof of it all. So he is really confused and we asked if we could teach him and help answer his questions.. and he said was funny though he said, "What did I get my self were supposed to be teaching her...this was not the plan." Haha it was really funny. Anyways that was another answer to my prayers because I was praying to teach families and then out of the blue he lets us teach him. This is a man that disliked missionries and only did not like to be home when they were there..Myco always had to plan us comming over when he was gone. I do think part of it was when we met him he was out of work, and had been looking a lot, and no luck, and we told him we would pray..and it took like a month...but every time we saw him we showed him we actually cared and asked him about his job hunt and always told him we would pray. He finally was able to find a  job after like 4 or 5 months :) I think he knows that we truly care about him..oh his name is Dave. He knows we care and that is why we are there. We are there for him, not for us. :) He is one awesome guy! Has had a really hard life and I really pray that he keeps learning.  I really have been wanting to teach males because we need more priesthood holders and that was also and answer to prayers to be able to teach him and Tyrell :)
Oh I got a package from the Gunthers with more Christmas Tree earrings, one for me and one for my comp haha, and a fun letter :) Brother Gunther sent flashlights and pens :) bahaha that is Bro Gunther for you..I miss him! haha.
Oh I have some fun stuff with mail to talk about. I got a letter from Carla :) She is so amazing and I sure miss her from Great Falls, and I got a Christmas card from the Stephensons :) wahoo I just love them!  Also around thanksgiving I received a letter from someone in Virginia from a little kid that said do not open until Christmas. I could not wait to open it.  I thought about it everyday. Then on Christmas I totally forgot. The day after I remembered and I ran to open it. I thought it might be one of my preschoolers who moved or was trying to throw me off with an address from Virginia. Well I opened it and there was a 4 sentence letter saying something to the affect "Hi Sister Draudt, I know you don't know me, but I am a member of the church. I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.  I hope to hear from you soon. -Joshua B" I honestly was raking my brain trying to figure out how this little boy knows me...and honestly I really don't know. I had a Joshua B in my preschool class. But I don't think he moved to VA, and if so why would he say he didn't know me. Then Alexa served in primary in Virginia, but I don't know if her ward was in Portsmouth, cause that is what the letter says. Then Aubrie my friend who is serving in Washington DC covers part of VA, but I don't know how much. Anyways I still don't know who this sweet little boy is, but I will be writing him back today. It was the sweetest thing ever to receive that letter :) how darling is that! Anyways do any of you have any ideas of who this is ??? Have a good week and happy new year!
           -love ANDREA :)


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